Securechain logo SecureCoin 1907584 English 中文

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Hash: 00000000000cc9f48083879670e2ff4056a0126beda801153788a875cf53f9ce
Previous Block: 000000000009005b5cc2584a74ad4e68361d282aaeee5c85619c2bd38d704010
Next Block: 0000000000046e3d91d55d250650325ecaaac088cf424ccacba36f3d4c9bdfcc
Height: 1907584
Version: 112
Transaction Merkle Root: 88ca0fbcc79ab7945ab299860968723a1acbde5bccf3d89f9bf06e286dad146b
Time: 1543081227 (2018-11-24 17:40:27)
Difficulty: 1 040 966.623 (Bits: 1b101df1)
Cumulative Difficulty: 321 244 483 682.204
Nonce: 156465738
Transactions: 1
Value out: 5
Transaction Fees: 0
Average Coin Age: 405.339 days
Coin-days Destroyed: 0
Cumulative Coin-days Destroyed: 63.0946%


TransactionFeeSize (kB)From (amount)To (amount)
88ca0fbcc7...00.119Generation: 5 + 0 total feessg2vAhG7yFtmADWCjCdLc2zq3nBxrLaUvu: 5

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