Securechain logo SecureCoin 1432645 English 中文

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Hash: 00000000007826215dbeddb20f0ea3ae9d1d4cd366c94ecb527d699d0b5249af
Previous Block: 0000000000146c88d1a8a3a9737e10c5ed5cbf918861607c35b18e3cf4197cc4
Next Block: 00000000011535d24df3b40532c3a13facd8311ccf8438476ba180331ace2ef3
Height: 1432645
Version: 112
Transaction Merkle Root: 28270ed0e37f4da4149efaa192c4f0c069e89a94c94162be3f6c85623a009465
Time: 1484046979 (2017-01-10 11:16:19)
Difficulty: 56 312.669 (Bits: 1c0129ee)
Cumulative Difficulty: 21 285 722 985.318
Nonce: 1115790465
Transactions: 1
Value out: 5
Transaction Fees: 0
Average Coin Age: 490.399 days
Coin-days Destroyed: 0
Cumulative Coin-days Destroyed: 26.7623%


TransactionFeeSize (kB)From (amount)To (amount)
28270ed0e3...00.124Generation: 5 + 0 total feessg5eAkrSRsgt7BepZP2eoJeB99txyuSiRU: 5

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