Securechain logo SecureCoin 288182 English 中文

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Hash: 00000000023050aaf3dd2faeb0f8fa93e869b396a17890cc7da45a3e2cfa0836
Previous Block: 000000000011db02aab5606e356b6fe1e6b08c738cc9a70ba979ed00fb19bee4
Next Block: 0000000002367b519e2821a85ae83a0295999f6e8413504b628bccab03b25466
Height: 288182
Version: 112
Transaction Merkle Root: 87f98583199748520532b2e0ca545ea21d0c2ad630e961582ebf52cd7ddac093
Time: 1395089747 (2014-03-17 20:55:47)
Difficulty: 18 063.689 (Bits: 1c03a0c8)
Cumulative Difficulty: 2 288 819 716.813
Nonce: 495078336
Transactions: 1
Value out: 5
Transaction Fees: 0
Average Coin Age: 42.1355 days
Coin-days Destroyed: 0
Cumulative Coin-days Destroyed: 59.2395%


TransactionFeeSize (kB)From (amount)To (amount)
87f9858319...00.124Generation: 5 + 0 total feessVyU1qHQqd5NUeDVTYmtJbMUbscFEENsfY: 5

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