Securechain logo SecureCoin 338654 English 中文

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Hash: 0000000005054825bbc69b94dbf6fbe9e5d35436b5d7625f4c57ea115ca3c62e
Previous Block: 00000000039ee2f1505aa1ddd09b05b540119de66381e582c63e19bd9e0af7b6
Next Block: 00000000031e304f4538824483eee16f371f99246c2175c6c387fc152cc17d9f
Height: 338654
Version: 112
Transaction Merkle Root: 1ba1b8e35596ad84ceedc4e596178e38cab2b8071875bf54b2ca735970d4ee39
Time: 1398406813 (2014-04-25 06:20:13)
Difficulty: 9 603.765 (Bits: 1c06d2f1)
Cumulative Difficulty: 2 850 540 254.354
Nonce: 1787145407
Transactions: 1
Value out: 5
Transaction Fees: 0
Average Coin Age: 66.8416 days
Coin-days Destroyed: 0
Cumulative Coin-days Destroyed: 45.7553%


TransactionFeeSize (kB)From (amount)To (amount)
1ba1b8e355...00.124Generation: 5 + 0 total feessSN6PBF2w8vTAP3mFi2tethh6A7x7WJjiR: 5

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