Securechain logo SecureCoin 58877 English 中文

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Hash: 0000000006672a78f439cb36e2d0b8f989053f0c151e94cf5ff7f1be0c8fca9a
Previous Block: 000000000fb74c2d4b88dd5971bf9e7393226b274a5147311c059fd1cdadf5bc
Next Block: 000000000e59498a03840354819b18d3b23a715749eaeb55269dce395775d570
Height: 58877
Version: 2
Transaction Merkle Root: 9f7d18ac2760336f5b1e26fba10ac9217a0c3441dbb1af8fd9b68c95538d98be
Time: 1380868960 (2013-10-04 06:42:40)
Difficulty: 2 322.491 (Bits: 1c1c37cd)
Cumulative Difficulty: 65 355 691.553
Nonce: 690714357
Transactions: 1
Value out: 5
Transaction Fees: 0
Average Coin Age: 13.3005 days
Coin-days Destroyed: 0
Cumulative Coin-days Destroyed: 31.4527%


TransactionFeeSize (kB)From (amount)To (amount)
9f7d18ac27...00.257Generation: 5 + 0 total feessPL1Ay9gHip7e1VBNqgCpCgghAFiZopaPe: 0.0664
saCnFHFcHAbdr92cJAut4PWDiuXeaz7f8o: 4.93359
sbnRpRzohkSkP3VRPuDrQMjR8V6qDKhfAq: 0.00001
Unknown: 0

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